Indianapolis implant specialist, Dr. Amy Marckese, understands that it can sometimes be embarrassing and anxiety-inducing to lose one or more teeth. DentalSpa offers a wide range of options for replacing missing teeth near you, including dental implants and dentures. For many patients, dental implants provide the best long-term results for both esthetic and health reasons.
What are Dental Implants?
A dental implant is a prosthetic tooth, that can support a dental crown and bridge, or denture that is permanently secured in the jaw, This titanium post is surgically implanted into the jawbone beneath the gum line. The post acts as a tooth root and stimulates healthy bone growth to avoid jaw shrinkage which often occurs after tooth loss.
Our dentist in Indianapolis, IN is able to perform a majority of the procedures for dental implants at her Indianapolis, IN her dentist office. A small number of cases are referred to specialists to have the dental implant placed. In either situation, Dr. Marckese will coordinate the entire treatment plan and work closely with the specialist to be sure everything is properly placed.
What are Dentures?
Indianapolis dentist Dr. Marckese offers options for replacing missing teeth using dentures, partials, and implant dentures. Dentures are custom-made artificial teeth used to replace missing teeth and some of the gum tissue. They are not permanent meaning you can remove them and put them back in when needed. Full dentures are used to replace a whole row of missing teeth.
Partial dentures are used to replace gaps of missing teeth. They are made in a dental lab with impressions of your mouth. Dentures take some time to get used to and require a lot of care. Dentures will also need to be replaced or adjusted over time.
Learn More About Dental Implants
- Dental Implants Indianapolis
- The Benefits of Dental Implants
- FAQ: Dental Implants
- Dental Implant Procedure
- Types of Dental Implants
- Cost of Dental Implants
- Multiple Dental Implants
- Single Dental Implants
- What Are Dental Implants?
Dental Implants vs Dentures
Cost Comparison
Dentures cost significantly less than dental implants up front, especially if you are replacing multiple missing teeth. But dentures will also need replaced, realigned, or rebased over time. This cost can add up depending on the wear and tear. Dental implants cost more but are a permanent solution. If cared for properly, they will last forever.
Another thing to consider is dental insurance will typically cover between 15% and 50% of dentures depending on your dental plan. Since some insurance plans consider dental implants a cosmetic procedure, they may not cover them leaving you to pay the full cost of treatment. However, as the popularity of this restorative treatment grows, provides are seeing the benefits they offer. Please check with your dental insurance provider to see if they cover a portion of the implant crown, bridge or denture.
Fit and Function
A face without teeth will appear sunken and can add years to your appearance. Both dentures and dental implants will help keep the natural shape of your face and lower jaw area.
With dentures, you may need to apply a gooey adhesive every time you wear them to hold them in your mouth. With Dental implants, you won’t need to do this extra step because they are surgically implanted and can be treated like a normal tooth.
Also, dentures may be a bit uncomfortable because they may cover a large portion of your mouth with plastic depending on the type of dentures you need. They may feel weird in your mouth at first, and may take some time to get used to wearing.
Dentures will deliver about a 30-40% normal chewing function. Dental implants will deliver a 100% normal chewing function. The constant worry that your teeth may fall out while eating is not an issue with dental implants. Oftentimes, dentures may slip around or may not fit correctly leaving you with the worry of falling out.
Bone Loss
When teeth are removed or lost, that void will lead to bone loss in the jawbone. The root of the tooth provides the bone with stimulation to regenerate. Replacing teeth with traditional dentures will not prevent this bone loss. The prosthesis will rest on the surface of the gums without stimulating the underlying bone. The lack of stimulation will cause the jawbone to shrink.
On the other hand, dental implants prevent bone loss because they are anchored directly into the jawbone. The implant posts will be in contact with the jawbone and act similarly to natural tooth roots. It will provide the bone with enough stimulation to maintain its density and prevent bone loss.
You should consider bone loss in choosing how to replace your teeth. Patients with bone deterioration in the jaw suffer from an aged appearance. This slow process leads to wrinkles around the mouth, a sunken-in mouth, a chin that sticks out further than normal, and issues with the fit of their denture.